Privacy & Data Protection

The team advises on data protection laws, helps draft privacy policies, assists with data breach response, and provides guidance on the collection, use, and transfer of personal data in compliance with relevant legal frameworks.

  • Advising on the management and protection of personal data under various jurisdictions.
  • Assisting with data breach incidents and the implementation of privacy policies.
  • Ensuring compliance with data protection laws like GDPR, CCPA, and more.

Data Protection Laws:

  • Advising businesses on compliance with data protection laws in India, including the Personal Data Protection Bill, when enacted into law.
  • Ensuring data protection in accordance with existing laws, such as the Information Technology Act, 2000.

Data Privacy Compliance:

  • Assisting organizations in developing and implementing data privacy policies, practices, and procedures.
  • Conducting data protection impact assessments (DPIAs) and audits.

Cross-Border Data Transfers:

  • Advising on the legal aspects of cross-border data transfers and ensuring compliance with data localization requirements.
  • Drafting data transfer agreements and standard contractual clauses.

Consent and Notice:

  • Advising on obtaining valid consent for data processing activities.
  • Ensuring transparency and providing privacy notices to data subjects.

Data Security and Breach Response:

  • Developing data security measures and incident response plans to prevent data breaches.
  • Handling data breach notifications and coordinating responses to data security incidents.

Employee Data Protection:

  • Advising on the collection and processing of employee data, including HR and payroll data.
  • Ensuring compliance with labor and employment laws regarding employee data.

Customer Data Protection:

  • Advising on customer data protection measures, especially for e-commerce, financial services, and online businesses.
  • Handling customer data access and deletion requests.

Vendor and Third-Party Data Processing:

  • Drafting data processing agreements and contracts with vendors and third parties to ensure data protection compliance.
  • Conducting due diligence on third-party data processors.

Privacy Impact Assessments (PIAs):

  • Conducting PIAs for new projects, products, or services to assess their impact on data privacy.
  • Implementing privacy by design principles.

Regulatory Compliance:

  • Ensuring compliance with regulatory authorities, such as the Data Protection Authority under the Personal Data Protection Bill.
  • Representing clients in data protection regulatory inquiries and audits.
  • Implementing parental consent mechanisms.

International Data Protection Laws:

  • Navigating international data protection laws, such as the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), when dealing with international data transfers.

Privacy Litigation and Dispute Resolution:

  • Representing clients in privacy-related litigation and disputes, including data breach lawsuits and privacy violation claims.